It is now widely accepted that burnout is a significant issue in the modern workforce, but most leadership teams are still working to establish confident strategies to help their people through it.

Burnout is common because performance demands of work are high and resilience doesn’t come naturally to most.

Once a person is burning out, it’s hard to address because it takes a high-touch personalized approach.

Throughout Canada’s tech industry we have leadership teams hell-bent on constantly accelerating output and HR teams feeling under-resourced and under-supported. HR leaders are hearing that their staff are burning out, feeling like they really want to help, but don’t know quite what to do – dealing with staff ‘well-being’ is just one among dozens of responsibilities.

We most often hear from HR teams at this point, when they’ve recognized that several staffers are burning out, and they want to help, but don’t know what the best resource, plan or strategy is.

We believe that education is just one part of what needs to be done. But it’s an important first step. It shows that you care, you are listening and are ready to help.

Since burnout is diverse and multifaceted, we bring expertise from 3 fields into our sessions and trainings; mental health, physical health & sociocultural health. Our psychotherapists, chiropractors and PhDs thoughtfully integrate the principles of resilience that we develop to move through burnout.

We encourage our clients to build a comprehensive strategy to prevent burnout and to support staff through burnout. We collaborate with two groups of burnout specialists to bring our clients consulting expertise in building their strategy.

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about our trainings or consulting.